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Saturday, 4 June 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (5): "I too am a witness...and the Child whom I have chosen" (Isaiah 43:10)
1. Isaiah 43:10 in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles 2. The Gospel of John's Use of Isaiah 43:10 3. Isaiah 43:10 in Early Patristic Literatur...
Sunday, 22 May 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (4): "A child was born for us...named Angel of Great Counsel" (Isaiah 9:6)
Introduction The Septuagint Greek Translation of Isaiah 9:5-6 Isaiah 9:6 in the New Testament Early Patristic Interpretation of Isaia...
Monday, 9 May 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (3): "It was no ambassador or angel but the Lord himself that saved them" (Isaiah 63:9)
Continuing our series on Christological texts in Isaiah, we turn to the rich and fascinating text that is Isaiah 63:9. We will first look a...
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