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Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Christadelphians, Litigation, and Social Justice (Part 1)
One of the distinctives of Christadelphian moral teaching is that believers in Christ may not engage in litigation for purposes of redress...
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Is it biblical to...? Google search autocomplete suggestions and the formation of conscience
In Christian circles, one often hears questions about morality and spiritual life phrased in the form, Is it biblical to ...? Along the sa...
Monday, 27 May 2019
Moral Theology vs. "What the Bible Says"
Over the years I have observed, in discourse amongst Christians, a certain approach taken to moral questions that arise, say in a Bible st...
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Give Me Liberty And Give Me Death: A Response to Kyle Tucker on the "Fundamental Right" to Physician-Assisted Suicide
1. Introduction 2. Societal-Legal Problems with Kyle’s View 2.1. None of the American Medical Association, the American Psychologica...
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