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Sunday, 24 July 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (7): "Who can describe his generation?" (Isaiah 53:8)
Addendum (24 September 2023): When I wrote this article last year, I indicated that the New Testament does not contain any interpretation o...
Monday, 20 June 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (6): "I stretched out my hands all day long towards a disobedient people" (Isaiah 65:2)
Introduction Paul's Use of Isaiah 65:2 in Romans 10:21 Paul's Understanding of the Kyrios of Isaiah 65:1-7 Paul's Under...
Saturday, 4 June 2022
Reading Isaiah like an Early Christian (5): "I too am a witness...and the Child whom I have chosen" (Isaiah 43:10)
1. Isaiah 43:10 in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles 2. The Gospel of John's Use of Isaiah 43:10 3. Isaiah 43:10 in Early Patristic Literatur...
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