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Friday, 22 June 2018
We Have an Altar: The Call to Eucharistic Worship in Hebrews 13:9-16
1. Introduction: A Rich but Enigmatic Passage 2. Objections to a Eucharistic Interpretation 3. Arguments for a Eucharistic Interpreta...
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Obey Your Leaders and Defer to Them (Hebrews 13:17)
1. The Meaning of Hebrews 13:17 2. Obedience and Submission in Congregationally Governed Communities 3. The Challenge of Submitting While...
Sunday, 28 January 2018
How Hebrews Came to Interpret Psalm 102:25-27 as Spoken by God to/of the Son
Several years ago I wrote an article on Hebrews 1:10-12 , arguing that this text unambiguously teaches the personal pre-existence of the S...
Thursday, 21 May 2015
On prepositions and pre-existence
What follows is a largely a summary of Gregory E. Sterling’s paper, Prepositional Metaphysics in Jewish Wisdom Speculation and Early Christ...
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